Welcome to The Fix Salon!


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845 New Hampshire Street
Lawrence, KS  66044

(785) 749-0047

Massage Therapy

At The Fix Salon the Massage Therapists want the client to be as comfortable as possible - this includes proper draping techniques and professional behavior.

If you are new to massage therapy, rest assured your comfort and modesty are of foremost importance. Please arrive five to ten minutes early to fill out an intake form, and to discuss your therapy visit.

30 Minutes                                        $40
60 Minutes                                        $75
90 Minutes                                        $105
Deep Tissue                                       $5.00 additional

Massage Options

Basic Swedish Massage:
An hour long appointment, addressing every major muscle group in the body which ties closely with holistic healing practices. A head-to-toe massage, undraping only the part of the body which is being focusing on at the time.

A relaxation massage is one that involves soothing, fluid strokes to help calm nerves, relax muscles, and relieve general stress.  During this treatment every major muscle group is addressed. Usually, there is not any deep tissue massage unless specifically requested.

Deep Tissue/Trigger Point Therapy:
This form of massage therapy is more intense than most because it focuses on knots, adhesions, scar tissue, and generally "bound up" muscle.  Direct pressure is applied for eight to ten seconds with relaxing strokes in between. 

A form of energy work that was discovered in Japan in the 1800's.  This form of healing can be applied over clothing, on emergency or acute pain, or incorporated into a regular massage.  Reiki addresses balancing of your chakras both emotionally and physically.

Pre-Post Natal:
This modality is different from other massage techniques, because the client assumes a side-lying position.  All other aspects of the massage are similar to a Basic Swedish or relaxation treatment but are adapted to the pre-post natal body limitations. We do not perform any massage treatments during the first trimester of pregnancy.

A treatment that can be applied to hands, feet or both.  Certain areas on the feet and hands correspond to places and organs in the body.  By directly touching these areas, a therapist can affect systems, organs, muscles, and chakras.

Hot Stone: 
Warm stones are incorporated into a full-body routine.  The smooth heated stones help bring about relaxation, healing harmony, and stimulation to damaged or weary muscles and tissue.